Vampire: Christmas Magic 1|The Elf on the Shelf

It’s a cold winter night in 90’s NYC when three ancient vampires unleash an even more ancient magic.

Starring Petrea Whittier as Magdalena, Maureen Fenninger as Venita, and Nick Mayfield as Cesko.

System is Vampire: The Masquerade 5th Edition, GMed by Dean Beckwith.

Intro is “Vampire” by The Orion Experience.

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UNLOCKED: Betwixt Crits|Party Like a Viking

Lady Mains used her instant unlock ability to share this Patreon episode with the masses!
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7th Sea: Treasure Quest 4|The Cheeks that Launched a Thousand Ships

Our daring crew faces off against the Collector and his fleet.

Starring Petrea Whittier as Luca, Steph Ward as Pasha, and Tyler Cass as Lady Mains.

System is a 7th Sea: 2nd Edition, GMed by Michael Gilbert.

Themes are “Big Ship Little Ship” and “Shit Boat (No Fans)” by Alestorm.

If you’re craving more of Luca, Pasha, and Lady Mains, join us on Patreon for access to two bonus adventures!

7th Sea: Treasure Quest 3|Booty Grabbers

Luca, Pasha, and Lady Mains sail toward the trove of San Gustavo!

Starring Petrea Whittier as Luca, Steph Ward as Pasha, and Tyler Cass as Lady Mains.

System is a 7th Sea: 2nd Edition, GMed by Michael Gilbert.

Themes are “Big Ship Little Ship” and “Shit Boat (No Fans)” by Alestorm.

Join us on Patreon for access to a new bonus episode every week!